Safe congress | Smart City Forum

Safe congress

A hybrid congress, connecting traditional meetings with online activities.

MMC POLAND has always meant the highest quality of events for each sector. The hybrid formula of the congress allows for the combination of a traditional meeting with online activity on a dedicated platform. Thanks to this, we can continue the idea of the congress, maintaining safety in accordance with the applicable standards. #safecongress

The hybrid form is:

A traditional meeting

A limited number of people will be invited to the hotel to ensure the safety of the participants. Apart from the substantive part, the participants will have an exhibition area and networking opportunities at their disposal.

Online congress

Participants will be able to use a specially prepared virtual platform on which they will have access to:

  • Streaming from the main stage of the congress
  • Partner Zone
  • Ask questions and comment on what is happening on-stage
  • Establishing relationships in private chats/video chats and themed rooms, as it will be in a hotel
  • Networking involving randomly connecting participants for 3-minute talks.


Out of concern for the safety of participants in our events, we have prepared a special safety policy aimed at ensuring safe participation and protecting the health of our speakers, experts and guests. We have introduced a number of changes and new procedures – from hygiene measures to guidelines for maintaining appropriate distances, as well as new logistics solutions developed together with the hotel.

Our actions in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic

All congress participants are required to wear masks in the foyer and in the conference room.


  • Only 1 guest may be at the reception desk
  • We have designated places for people waiting for reception service with 1.5 meters distance in between
  • Reception service will use disposable gloves and visors
  • We will regularly disinfect the reception desk and stand
  • Hand disinfectant for participants will be available at the reception desk
  • For safety reasons, we will not be distributing congress materials


  • Body temperature measurement will take place at the reception desks
  • With a temperature of 38.0 degrees Celsius or higher, the participant will be subject to a second measurement with a non-contact thermometer
  • After another indication of increased body temperature, the participant will be asked to leave the hotel and continue participation in the congress on the virtual platform


  • Chairs in the hall will be arranged in accordance with the principle of 1 person/4m2.
  • A large stage will keep distance between discussion participants


  • Congress participants are required to wear masks or visors during the event
  • Public disinfectants are available at the reception and in the foyer
  • In the hotel, there are information guides reminding not to shake hands during networking


  • The hotel is providing modern equipment for spraying disinfectants in general spaces; every 4 hours, the lobby, restaurants and food outlets are disinfected
  • In hotel bathrooms and public spaces, soaps and liquids for hand disinfection are available, as well as instructions on how to properly wash and disinfect your hands
  • Every hour the door handles, handrails and elevator buttons will be disinfected
  • All elevators in the hotel are disinfected daily
  • Hotel spaces are cleaned by staff equipped with disposable gloves and protective masks that are replaced regularly
  • We limit the number of people staying in common areas at the same time
  • The hotel is equipped with contactless litter bins


  • Coffee and lunch will be served in accordance with all hygienic standards currently required in hotels


  • Event Partner stands will be placed at safe, 2-meter intervals
  • The counters and tables at the stands will be disinfected every hour
  • Contact persons at the stand are required to wear masks and gloves
  • Materials prepared by Partners will be issued to participants directly

Direct contact
If you have any questions about participation or precautionary measures, please contact us by phone: +48 535 900 812 or by e-mail

In addition, we would like to inform you that if the restrictions regarding the ban on organising events in stationary mode continue, the event organised by MMC will take place 100% online.

Useful information
We recommend that you follow the information on the website in order to avoid false information.
If you have disturbing symptoms (such as high fever, cough and shortness of breath), contact the NFZ hotline 800 190 590, or use the search engine for an infectious hospital or GIS facility

Follow our event

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